Saturday 5 March 2011

Rango, Unknown and a pocket full of dreams

Last night I traveled to Wigan by way of Cineworld, taking in the sights of Rango and Unknown along the way.

I got into the Rango showing a couple of minutes late but I got the gist of the set-up and I don't think I missed too much.

Rango (Johnny Depp), a pet lizard, traveling through the Mojave desert in his tank in the back of his owners' car. through an unfortunate event he finds himself flung from the car and lying alone on a desolate road. After conversing with nearby almost-roadkill he wanders hopefully into the desert, heading west. He comes across 'Dirt', a small town inhabited by various critters. Finding himself in an opportunity to reinvent himself he gives himself a name, tells a few tall tales and becomes the object of the townspeople's awe.

I had high expectations for this film after seeing the trailer and it seems that they were well founded. The plot gets somewhat predictable but is saved by the quality of the characters and the setting of the film. A few quips for a slightly older audience and a sly little 'Fear and Loathing...' cameo made me feel a little more at home in a screen mostly occupied by kids and parents (though barely occupied at all to be fair). I certainly plan to see this again, partly for the first couple of minutes that I missed at the beginning, partly for the small parts that I missed in the middle due to falling asleep (out of being tired, not bored I assure you) and partly because it's currently showing in screen 1 and I do enjoy screen 1. Mostly I'll be seeing it again because it's very good, and very much worth watching as much as possible.

Which leads me to 'Unknown' which it is very much worth avoiding as much as possible.

I think 'Taken' has led people to seeking out Liam Neeson for euro based badassery. If only he'd been gracious enough to let it alone.

Unknown follows Neeson's crazy amnesiac around Berlin as he tries to figure out why his wife doesn't know who he is.

All I can really think to say about this film is that it's funny. It's not supposed to be, but watching it's lack of subtlety as Martin Harris (Neeson) struggles to remember things and is made out to look like a loon I couldn't help but laugh. If you like films that are funny but aren't supposed to be (see: The Wicker Man) then watch this. Otherwise, just don't. It's daft.

Rango - 3/5

Unknown - A generous 2/5

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